Monday, October 14, 2013

A little piece of history...

Hey Everyone,

This is my very first blog post so if I start rambling......well .....

Anyway, a little bit about me. I'm married to the most amazing man ever!! I have three fury kids, their names are Hank, Penny and Mowzer AKA the Krackin. I will go into that at a later date. I have a job that allows me to use my creative side and I love what I do. I love to make crafts but recently bunco cards are my passion. I joined a bunco team in Feb 2013 and I was hosting at my house. The rule in this bunco group is if you are hosting you provide your own bunco cards so I went on line to see what they looked like. What I found was cute and fun but nothing unique. So I turned on my creative juices and started thinking of ideas for cards. My first bunco card was cute and ladies loved them. The woman who was hosting the next month asked me to make some for her and since I love to craft I said "sure"! Now I make them every month and I love it. I love coming up with new ideas and the ladies look forward to seeing them every month. The ladies in the group and my family keep telling me to start a blog on bunco cards because they are terrific.

This is how I got to this point today, finally creating my very own blog. I hope you come back often to check out the cards and other fun crafts that I create!