Friday, October 24, 2014

Halloween Best Costume Trophies

Hello everyone!

As it gets closer to Halloween, I am finishing up some last minute details for the upcoming Halloween party. Something new that I wanted to incorporate this year is costume trophies for best male, female and couples costumes. So just like most everyone else, I went to Pinterest for some fun ideas. Of course I found something and I said "I can do that"!

This is what I found...

First, head to the dollar store and purchase the skeletons. Everything else can be found at a craft store.

Here is what you will need:

Wood base
Glue gun and glue sticks
Spray paint
Craft Paint
Small wood block

To get started, depending on how you want to pose your skeletons will decide how much cutting you need to do. I wanted to really pose them so I cut the skeleton up at each joint so I had total freedom. Then I started to glue, I started with the foot as my foundation. I glued it directly to the wood base.

Then, I would pose the skeleton and glue hips and shoulders into the desired position. During this process you must be patient. You have to wait for the glue to completely cool before moving on to the next step. The plastic the skeleton is very soft and pliable so your hot glue makes it really soft.

I placed a paper towel over the wood base to protect it from glue drops. When glue gets directly onto the wood you take the chance of the wood scaring when you try to remove the glue.

Once your skeleton is in the position you desire, its time to paint.  The easiest way is to just use spray paint. It goes on evenly and dries quickly.

Once they are dry, print off best costumes that fit onto small wood plaques and glue paper to the plaque and the plaque to the base.

If you have any questions please let me know, these are a lot of fun and were a huge hit last year. Good luck and Happy Crafting!